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Related entries of code: 1tjp
Entries with 90% protein sequence similarity cutoff in PDBbind
PDB CodeCheck DatabaseProtein Sequence Similarity
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1c29RCSB PDB    PDBbind268aa, >1C29_1|Chain... at 100%
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1c9dRCSB PDB    PDBbind268aa, >1C9D_1|Chain... at 100%
1cw2RCSB PDB    PDBbind268aa, >1CW2_1|Chain... at 100%
1cx9RCSB PDB    PDBbind268aa, >1CX9_1|Chain... at 100%
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2cliRCSB PDB    PDBbind268aa, >2CLI_1|Chain... at 100%
2clkRCSB PDB    PDBbind268aa, >2CLK_1|Chain... at 99%
2cllRCSB PDB    PDBbind268aa, >2CLL_1|Chain... at 100%
2clmRCSB PDB    PDBbind268aa, >2CLM_1|Chain... at 100%
2cloRCSB PDB    PDBbind268aa, >2CLO_1|Chain... at 100%
Complexes with the same small molecule ligand
PDB CodeCheck DatabaseLigand Name
No complexes with the same small molecule ligand are found!

Entry Information
PDB ID1tjp
Complex TypeProtein-Ligand
PDBbind Subsetrefined set
Protein Nametryptophan synthase
Ligand NameHPF
EC.Number E.C.
Resolution 1.5(Å)
Affinity (Kd/Ki/IC50)Kd=38uM
Release Year2005
Protein/NA SequenceCheck fasta file
Primary Reference Journal of molecular biology. (2005) 352, pp. 608-20
Ligand Properties
Formula C9H15NO7P
Molecular Weight 280.192
Exact Mass 280.059
No. of atoms 33
No. of bonds 33
Polar Surface Area 156.23
LOGP Value -1.53      (Computed with XLOGP3)
-0.77      (Computed with Open Babel)
Drug likeness No. of Hydrogen Bond Donors: 4
No. of Hydrogen Bond Acceptors: 6
No. of Rotatable Bonds: 8
No. of Nitrogen and Oxygen Atoms: 8
No. of Rings: 1
Canonical SMILES
InChI String

Links to External Databases
RCSB PDBThe mother database
PDBsumEnhanced annotations on PDB entries
PubchemComprehensive collection of chemical and biological data
UniProtKB ACUniProt accession number (AC): P00929  P0A2K1  
Entrez Gene IDNCBI Entrez Gene ID: 1253246  1253245  
ASDInformation of known allosteric effects of PDB entries

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